姓名 杨鑫祥 职称 副教授 导师身份 浙江海洋大学硕士生导师 学科方向 石油与天然气工程、安全工程 Email: xinxiang@zjou.edu.cn 学习工作简历 2022-12至现在, 浙江海洋大学,副教授 2021-12至2022-12, 浙江海洋大学,讲师 2020-11至2021-10, University of Alberta,博士后 2016-09至2020-10, University of Alberta,博士 研究方向 1.交通运输温室气体排放 2.油气安全技术 3.油气工业大气污染控制技术 4.油气事故应急救援技术 科研项目 1. 浙江海洋大学,11025092222,“科研启动金”,2022.01-2026.12,50万元,项目负责人 2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,5227040418,“井下泥饼形成机理、评价方法及数字化研究”,2023.01-2026.12,109万元,主研 3. 挪威研究理事会,PETROMAKS2 244577,“Fluid Migration Modelling and Treatment”,38万元,2020.01-2023.07,主研 4. 加拿大自然科学与工程研究理事会,CRDPJ 531509-18,“Understanding and Mitigating Leakage Pathways in Oil and Gas Well Cements”,2019.03-2022.02,195万元,主研 代表性论文著作 1. Yang, X., Kuru, E.*, Gingras, M., Wang, C., Wang, R. 2024. Nano-computed tomography analysis of downscaled cement sheath samples: insights into porosity distribution. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 239, 212979. 2. Yang, X., Tao, Y., Wang, X. C., Zhao, G., Lee, C. T., Yang, D., & Wang, B.* 2024. City-scale methane emissions from the midstream oil and gas industry: A satellite survey of the Zhoushan archipelago. Journal of Cleaner Production, 449, 141673. 3. Yang, X., Kuru, E., Zhang, X., Zhang, S., Wang, R., Ye, J., Yang, D., Klemeš, J.J., & Wang, B.* 2023. Direct measurement of methane emissions from the upstream oil and gas sector: Review of measurement results and technology advances (2018–2022). Journal of Cleaner Production, 137693. 4. Yang, X., Kuru, E., Gingras, M., Iremonger, S., Biddle, S., and Lin, Z. 2021. Characterization of the Microstructure of the Cement-Rock Interface Using ESEM and Micro CT Scan. SPE Journal, 26(6): 3742-3759 5. Yang, X., Kuru, E., Gingras, M., Iremonger, S., Chase, P., and Lin, Z. 2020. Characterization of the Microstructure of the Cement-Casing Interface Using ESEM and Micro CT Scan Techniques. SPE Journal, 26(3): 1131–1143. 6. Yang, X., Kuru, E., Gingras, M., Iremonger, S., Taylor, J., Lin, Z., and Chase, P., 2020. Quantifying the Impact of 2D and 3D Fractures on Permeability in Wellbore Cement after Uniaxial Compressive Loading. SPE Journal, 25(5): 2265–2280. 7. Yang, X., Kuru, E., Gingras, M. and Iremonger, S., 2019. CT-CFD integrated investigation into porosity and permeability of neat early-age well cement at downhole condition. Construction and Building Materials, 205, 73-86. 8. Yang, X., Guo, S. and Kuru, E., 2022. A Numerical Simulation Study of the Impact of Microchannels on Fluid Flow through the Cement–Rock Interface. Applied Sciences, 12(9):4766. 9. Ogienagbon, A., Khalifeh, M., Yang, X. and Kuru, E., 2021. Manuscript Title: Characterization of Microannuli at the Cement-Casing Interface: Development of Methodology. In Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE. |