














[1]《International Journal of E-navigation and Maritime Economy》期刊编委








[1]Guibing Zhu; Yong Ma; Zhixiong. Li; Reza Malekian; Miguel Angel Sotelo; Event-triggered adaptive neural fault-tolerant control of underactuated MSVs with input saturation,IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021,DOI:10.1109/TITS.2021.3066461.(SCI, JCR一区,top)

[2]Guibing Zhu, Yong Ma, Zhixiong Li, Reza Malekian, Miguel Angel Sotelo. Adaptive neural output feedback control for MSVs with predefined performance, IEEE Transactions on VehicularTechnology, 2021, 70(4): 2994-3006.(SCI, JCR一区,top)

[3]Guibing Zhu, Yong Ma, Songlin Hu. Single-parameter-learning-based finite- time tracking control of underactuated MSVs under input saturation,Control Engineering Practice, 2020, 105: 104652.(SCI, JCR一区,top)

[4]Jinshu Lu,Shulan Yu,Guibing Zhu*, Qiang Zhang, Chao Chen, Jianwei Zhang. Robust adaptive tracking control of UMSVs under input saturation: A single- parameter learning approach, Ocean Engineering, 2021, 235:108791.(SCI, JCR一区,top)

[5]Guibing Zhu; Jialu Du; Yonggui Kao; Command filtered robust adaptive NN control for a class of uncertain strict-feedback nonlinear systems under input saturation [J].Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2018, 355(15): 7548-7569. (SCI, JCR一区)

[6]Guibing Zhu; Jialu Du;Global robust adaptive trajectory tracking control for surface ships under input saturation [J].IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2020, 45(2): 442-450. (SCI, JCR一区, ESI 1%高被引)

[7]Guibing Zhu; Jialu Du; Yonggui Kao; Robust adaptive NN tracking control for MIMO uncertain nonlinear systems with completely unknown control gains under input saturations [J].Neurocomputing,2019, 365: 125-136. (SCI, JCR一区)

[8]Guibing Zhu; Jialu Du; Yonggui Kao; Robust adaptive neural trajectory tracking control of surface vessels under input and output constraints [J].Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2020, 357(13): 8591-8610. (SCI, JCR一区)

[9]Guibing Zhu; Jialu Du; Robust adaptive neural practical fixed-time tracking control for uncertain Euler-Lagrange systems under input saturations [J].Neurocomputing,2020,412: 502-513. (SCI, JCR一区)

[10]Guibing Zhu;Yong Ma ; Songlin Hu;Single-parameter-learning-based finite-time tracking control of underactuated MSVs under input saturation [J].Control Engineering Practice, 2020,105 : Article No.104652.(SCI, JCR一区)

[11]Yong Ma;Guibing Zhu;Zhixiong Li ;Error-driven-based nonlinear feedback recursive design for adaptive NN trajectory tracking control of surface ships with input saturation[J].IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 2019, 11(2): 17-28.(SCI, JCR二区)

[12]Qiang Zhang ;Guibing Zhu;Xin Hu; Renming Yang;Adaptive neural network auto-berthing control of marine ships [J].Ocean Engineering, 2019, 177: 40-48.(SCI, JCR一区)

[13]Jian Li ;Jialu Du;Guibing Zhu;Simple adaptive trajectory tracking control of underactuated autonomous underwater vehicles under LOS range and angle constraints[J].IET control theory and applications, 2020, 14(2):283-290.(SCI, JCR一区)

[14]Xin Hu ;Jialu Du;Guibing Zhu;Robust adaptive NN control of dynamically positioned vessels under input constraints [J].Neurocomputing, 2018, 318: 201-212. (SCI, JCR一区)

[15]Yongyi Lin ;Jialu Du;Guibing Zhu;Thruster fault-tolerant control for dynamic positioning of vessels [J].Applied Ocean Research. 2018, 80: 118-124. (SCI, JCR二区)

[16]Chao Chen ;Guibing Zhu*; Qiang Zhang ; Jianwei Zhang ; Robust adaptive finite-time tracking control for uncertain Euler-Lagrange systems with input saturation [J].IEEE Access,2020, 8: 187605 – 187614 (SCI, JCR一区)

[17]Zhu Guibing; Du Jialu; Li Wenhua; Command filtered robust adaptive NN trajectory tracking control for marine surface vessels under input saturation, The 38th Chinese Control Conference, 2019, July, 822-827.

[18]Zhu Guibing; Du Jialu; Li Wenhua; Command filtered robust adaptive NN trajectory tracking control for marine surface vessels under input saturation, The 38th Chinese Control Conference, 2019, July, 822-827.

[19]Zhu Guibing; Du Jialu, Liu Yongchao; Model predictive control for dynamic positioning system of ships with unknown time-varying disturbances and actuator constraint, Sixth International Conference on Information Science and Technology, 2016, May 6-8: 311-316.





