


姓名:王臻魁       职称:研究员       学历/学位:博士






2013.09-2018.07      天津大学              船舶与海洋工程       工学博士     导师:唐友刚

2016.01-2017.01      伦敦大学学院      土木与环境工程       联培博士     导师:Gert van der Heijden

2009.09-2013.07      天津大学              船舶与海洋工程       工学学士    

2009.09-2013.07      天津大学              工程管理                   管理学学士(双学位)


2022.02-至今           浙江大学              海洋学院                   研究员

2020.10-2022.01      里斯本大学          海洋工程与技术       研究员  合作导师:Carlos Guedes Soares

2018.10-2020.09      伦敦大学学院      土木与环境工程       博士后  合作导师:Gert van der Heijden






1.        浙江大学学报(英文版)A: 应用物理与工程(JZUSA)(SCI: JCR Q2)青年编委

2.        International Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences编委





(1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于非线性管-土模型的深海管道侧向屈曲控制机理研究,项目号:52001229, 经费24万元, 2021.01-2023.12。主持人

(2) 上海交通大学海洋工程重点实验室开放基金:高温高压深海管道隆起与侧向耦合屈曲机理研究,项目号:GKZD010081,项目总经费8, 2021.01-2022.12。主持人

(3) 天津大学水利工程仿真与安全重点实验室开放基金:高温高压深海管道新型侧向屈曲控制方法研究,项目号:HESS-2103,项目总经费6, 2021.07-2024.07。主持人



(1) Wang Zhenkui, C. Guedes Soares. Theoretical investigation on the upheaval thermal buckling of a lined subsea pipeline. Ocean Engineering. 2022; 261: 111843. (SCI, 海洋工程top)

(2) Wang Zhenkui, Baiqiao Chen, C. Guedes Soares. Analytical study on the upheaval thermal buckling of sandwich pipes. Marine Structures. 2022; 85: 103245. (SCI, 海洋工程top)

(3) Wang Zhenkui, C. Guedes Soares. A new buckle initiation concept based on the energy barrier of subsea pipelines laid on the sloping seabed. Marine Structures. 2022; 82: 103155. (SCI, 海洋工程top)

(4) Wang Zhenkui, C. Guedes Soares. Lateral Buckling of Subsea Pipelines Triggered by Sleeper with a Nonlinear Pipe–Soil Interaction Model. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022; 10(6): 757. (SCI)

(5) Wang Zhenkui, van der Heijden G. H. M. Buckling between soft walls: sequential stabilization through contact. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2021; 477: 20210106. (SCI, 英国皇家学会主办的数学物理方面的权威期刊)

(6) Wang Zhenkui, van der Heijden G. H. M. Mode jumping in the lateral buckling of subsea pipelines. Marine Structures. 2021;80: 103077. (SCI, 海洋工程top)

(7) Wang Zhenkui, Duan Nuo, C. Guedes Soares. Controlled lateral buckling of subsea pipelines triggered by imposed residual initial imperfections. Ocean Engineering. 2021; 233:109124. (SCI, 海洋工程top)

(8) Zhang Jie, Wang Zhenkui*, C. Guedes Soares. Lateral buckling of subsea pipelines triggered by a sleeper with lateral constraint. Ocean Engineering. 2021; 234:109306. (SCI, 海洋工程top)

(9) Wang Zhenkui, Tang Yougang, C. Guedes Soares. Imperfection study on lateral thermal buckling of subsea pipeline triggered by a distributed buoyancy section. Marine Structures. 2021;76:102916. (SCI, 海洋工程top)

(10) Wang Zhenkui, Tang Yougang, Duan Nuo. Lateral buckling of subsea pipelines triggered by dual sleepers. Applied Ocean Research. 2021;116:102863. (SCI)

(11) Wang Zhenkui, C. Guedes Soares. Effect of nonlinear pipe-soil interaction on lateral buckling of subsea pipelines triggered by a distributed buoyancy section. Applied Ocean Research. 2021;115:102854. (SCI)

(12) Wang Zhenkui, Tang Yougang, C. Guedes Soares. Analytical and numerical study on lateral buckling of imperfect subsea pipelines with nonlinear lateral pipe-soil interaction model. Ocean Engineering. 2021; 221:108495. (SCI, 海洋工程top)

(13) Duan Nuo, Cheng Yi Pik, Lu Mingfei, Wang Zhenkui*. DEM investigation of sand response during displacement pile installation. Ocean Engineering. 2021; 230:109040. (SCI, 海洋工程top)

(14) Wang Zhenkui, C. Guedes Soares. Upheaval thermal buckling of functionally graded subsea pipelines. Applied Ocean Research. 2021; 116:102881. (SCI)

(15) Wang Zhenkui, van der Heijden G. H. M. Shock sensitivity in the localised buckling of a beam on a nonlinear foundation: the case of a trenched subsea pipeline. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2020;143:104044. (SCI, 力学top)

(16) Wang Zhenkui, Tang Yougang, Yang Jianguo, C. Guedes Soares. Analytical study of thermal upheaval buckling for free spanning pipelines. Ocean Engineering. 2020;218:108220. (SCI, 海洋工程top)

(17) Wang Zhenkui, Tang Yougang. Study on symmetric buckling mode triggered by dual distributed buoyancy sections for subsea pipelines. Ocean Engineering. 2020; 216:108019. (SCI, 海洋工程top)

(18) Wang Zhenkui, van der Heijden G. H. M. Snap behaviour in the upheaval buckling of subsea pipelines under topographic step imperfection. Marine Structures. 2020;69:102674. (SCI, 海洋工程top)

(19) Wang Zhenkui, Tang Yougang. Analytical study on controlled lateral thermal buckling of antisymmetric mode for subsea pipelines triggered by sleepers. Marine Structures. 2020;71:102728. (SCI, 海洋工程top)

(20) Wang Zhenkui, Tang Yougang. Antisymmetric thermal buckling triggered by dual distributed buoyancy sections. Marine Structures. 2020;74:102811. (SCI, 海洋工程top)

(21) Chen Zhihua, Yang Jianguo, Wang Zhenkui*. Numerical study on upheaval buckling for surface laid subsea pipelines with topographic step imperfection. Applied Ocean Research. 2020;101:102232. (SCI)

(22) Wang Zhenkui, van der Heijden G. H. M., Tang Yougang. Analytical study of third-mode lateral thermal buckling for unburied subsea pipelines with sleeper. Engineering Structures. 2018;168:447-61. (SCI, 土木工程top)

(23) Wang Zhenkui, van der Heijden G. H. M., Tang Yougang. Localised upheaval buckling of buried subsea pipelines. Marine Structures. 2018;60:165-85. (SCI, 海洋工程top)

(24) Wang Zhenkui, Tang Yougang, van der Heijden G. H. M. Analytical study of distributed buoyancy sections to control lateral thermal buckling of subsea pipelines. Marine Structures. 2018;58:199-222. (SCI, 海洋工程top)

(25) Wang Zhenkui, Tang Yougang, van der Heijden G. H. M. Analytical study of lateral thermal buckling for subsea pipelines with sleeper. Thin-Walled Structures. 2018;122:17-29. (SCI, 土木工程top)

(26) Wang Zhenkui, van der Heijden G. H. M. Localised lateral buckling of partially embedded subsea pipelines with nonlinear soil resistance. Thin-Walled Structures. 2017;120:408-20. (SCI, 土木工程top)

(27) Wang Zhenkui, Tang Yougang, Zhou Linghui, Zhao Zhijuan, Wang Chengze. Analytical solution for controlled lateral buckling of unburied subsea pipelines. Ocean Engineering. 2017;146:140-50. (SCI, 海洋工程top)

(28) Wang Zhenkui, Tang Yougang, Wang Chengze. Analytical solution for lateral buckling of unburied subsea pipelines with distributed buoyancy section. Ocean Engineering. 2017;146:115-24. (SCI, 海洋工程top)

(29) Wang Zhenkui, Tang Yougang, Feng Hao, Zhao Zhijuan, Liu Haoyu. Model test for lateral soil resistance of partially embedded subsea pipelines on sand during large-amplitude lateral movement. Journal of Coastal Research. 2017;33:607-18. (SCI)

(30) 王成泽, 唐友刚, 王臻魁. 分部浮力法控制海底裸置管道侧向屈曲数值模拟研究. 中国造船. 2018:161-71. (EI)

(31) 唐友刚, 张少洋, 王臻魁, 刘成义, 刘旭平. 裸置海底管道侧向往复运动土抗力试验研究. 哈尔滨工程大学学报. 2016;37:76-80. (EI)

(32) 秦尧, 唐友刚, 王臻魁. 考虑平台本体-张力腿-基础耦合的TLP平台动力特性分析. 中国造船. 2013:63-70. (EI)



(1) 2020 全国船舶与海洋工程学科优秀博士学位论文(202010人)

(2) 2019 天津市优秀博士学位论文

(3) 2018 天津大学优秀博士学位论文

(4) 2017 第十八届中国海洋工程学术会议论文荣获青年优秀论文奖

