姓名:;梁旭 职称:教授 学历/学位:博士
(1) 2022-01 至 今,浙江大学,海洋学院,教授
(2) 2015-11 至 2021-12,浙江大学,海洋学院,副教授
(3) 2014-02 至 2015-10,新加坡南洋理工大学,
(4) 2012-01 至 2014-01,浙江大学,
(5) 2006-09 至 2011-12,浙江大学,水工结构工程,博士
(6) 2005-07 至 2006-08,浙大恒立水利水电勘测设计有限公司,设计部,无
(7) 2001-09 至 2005-06,浙江大学,土木工程,学士
(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:水下压电声子晶体结构振动与声辐射特性研究, 51879231, 74.3万元, 2019.1.1-2022.12.31, 1/7。主持人
(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:热-流-固三场耦合作用下悬跨海底管道动力响应和屈曲研究, 51679214, 74.3万元, 2017.1.1-2020.12.31, 1/7。主持人
(3) 国家自然科学基金青年项目:粘弹性夹杂功能梯度层合板的水下吸声性能及其计算方法研究, 51209185, 25万元, 2013.01 - 2015.12, 1/7。主持人
(4) KJW,××××××研究,370万元,2020.9-2021.6。主持人
[1] Deng Y, Liang X, Cao Z, Kong L, Wang C, Ruan Y, et al.The Analysis of Mechanical Properties and Lightweight Design of Nonmetallic Armored Umbilical Cable.Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology.2022;144:51301.
[2] Liang X, Wang T, Huang D, Liu Z, Zhu R, Wang C.An improved RBF based differential quadrature method.ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS.2022;135:299-314.
[3] Ruan Y, Liang X.2D phononic-crystal Luneburg lens for all-angle underwater sound localization.Acta Acustica.2022;6:12.
[4] Cao Z, Liang X, Deng Y, Chen B.A novel in-situ test method for permeability in saturated sandy porous media.APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH.2022;127:103307.
[5] 孔令澎, 王体涛, 梁旭, 朱嵘华, 张勋奎, 田振亚.漂浮式风电平台动态电缆疲劳寿命分析.船舶工程.2022;44:23-7.
[6] 邓禹, 夏辉, 梁旭.脐带缆轻量化设计及其力学性能.船舶工程.2022;44:150-7.
[7] Liang X, Huang D, Wang T, Liu Z, Zhu R, Wang L, et al.Lagrangian radial basis function-based particle hydrodynamics method and its application for viscous flows.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING.2021;122:1964-89.
[8] Ruan Y, Liang X, Hua X, Zhang C, Xia H, Li C.Isolating low-frequency vibration from power systems on a ship using spiral phononic crystals.OCEAN ENGINEERING.2021;225:108804.
[9] Liang X, Liu Z, Huang D, Wang T, Wang C.Experimental and numerical investigation of the drag coefficients of subsea tree.OCEAN ENGINEERING.2021;238:109701.
[10] Ruan Y, Liang X.Reflective elastic metasurface for flexural wave based on surface impedance model.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES.2021;212:106859.
[11] Cao Z, Liang X, Deng Y, Wang C, Wang L, Zhu R, et al.Influence of multi-layered sediment characteristics on the thermal performance of buried submarine high-voltage cables.OCEAN ENGINEERING.2021;242:110030.
[12] 邓禹.复合材料在深海管道中的应用.船舶工程.2021;43:14-20.
[13] YongDu R, LIANG X.Standing wave acoustic levitation performed using retroreflection metasurface.SCIENTIA SINICA Technologica.2020;50:1226-34.
[14] Ruan Y, Liang X, Hu C.Retroreflection of flexural wave by using elastic metasurface.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS.2020;128:45116.
[15] Liang X, Lu W, Zhu R, Ye C, Liu G.Three-Dimensional Semianalytical Solutions for Piezoelectric Laminates Subjected to Underwater Shocks.MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING.2020;2020.
[16] Liang X, Zha X, Yu Y, Cao Z, Jiang X, Leng J.Semi-analytical vibration analysis of FGM cylindrical shells surrounded by elastic foundations in a thermal environment.COMPOSITE STRUCTURES.2019;223:110997.
[17] Liang X, Zha X, Jiang X, Cao Z, Wang Y, Leng J.A semi-analytical method for the dynamic analysis of cylindrical shells with arbitrary boundaries.OCEAN ENGINEERING.2019;178:145-55.
[18] Liang X, Wang T, Chen C, Deng Y, Ruan Y.Nonlinear dynamic response of a fluid-conveying pipe with a Y-type manifold under different end conditions.JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY.2019;27:6.
[19] Liang X, Cao Z, Sun H, Zha X, Leng J.Analytical and semi-analytical methods for the evaluation of dynamic thermo-elastic behavior of structures resting on a Pasternak foundation.Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology.2019;141.
[20] Sun H, Wu X, Wang D, Xu H, Liang X, Shang Y.Analysis of deformation mechanism of landslide in complex geological conditions.Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment.2019;78:4311-23.
[21] Liang X, Wang T, Jiang X, Liu Z, Ruan Y, Deng Y.A numerical method for flexural vibration band gaps in a phononic crystal beam with locally resonant oscillators.Crystals.2019;9:293.
[22] Ruan Y, Liang X, Wang Z, Wang T, Deng Y, Qu F, et al.3-D underwater acoustic wave focusing by periodic structure.APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS.2019;114:81908.
[23] Liu G, Yu Z, Liang X, Xie Z, Ye C.Identification of nonlinearity using transfer entropy combined with surrogate data algorithm.JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS.2019;145:4018138.
[24] Cao Z, Liang X, Deng Y, Zha X, Zhu R, Leng J.Novel semi-analytical solutions for the transient behaviors of functionally graded material plates in the thermal environment.Materials.2019;12:4084.
[25] Liang X, Deng Y, Cao Z, Jiang X, Wang T, Ruan Y, et al.Three-dimensional dynamics of functionally graded piezoelectric cylindrical panels by a semi-analytical approach.COMPOSITE STRUCTURES.2019;226:111176.
[26] Sun H, Wu G, Liang X, Yan X, Wang D, Wei Z.Laboratory modeling of siphon drainage combined with surcharge loading consolidation for soft ground treatment.Marine Georesources \& Geotechnology.2018;36:940-9.
[27] Del Linz P, Liang X, Hooper PA, Arora H, Pascoe L, Smith D, et al.A numerical method for predicting the deformation of crazed laminated windows under blast loading.ENGINEERING STRUCTURES.2018;172:29-40.
[28] Liu G, Yu Z, Liang X, Ye C.Vibration-based structural damage identification and evaluation for cylindrical shells using modified transfer entropy theory.Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology.2018;140.
[29] Liang X, Zha X, Jiang X, Wang L, Leng J, Cao Z.Semi-analytical solution for dynamic behavior of a fluid-conveying pipe with different boundary conditions.OCEAN ENGINEERING.2018;163:183-90.
[30] Liu G, Ye C, Liang X, Xie Z, Yu Z.Nonlinear Dynamic Identification of Beams Resting on Nonlinear Viscoelastic Foundations Based on the Time-Delayed Transfer Entropy and Improved Surrogate Data Algorithm.MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING.2018;2018.
[31] Chen C, Feng Z, Liang X.Hydrodynamic analysis of underwater glider with diamond wing in unsteady and nonuniform flow field.JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY.2018;26:4.
[32] Del Linz P, Liang X, Hooper PA, Wang LZ, Dear JP.An analytical solution for pre-crack behaviour of laminated glass under blast loading.COMPOSITE STRUCTURES.2016;144:156-64.
[33] Liang X, Kou H, Liu G, Wang L, Wang Z, Wu Z.A semi-analytical state-space approach for 3D transient analysis of functionally graded material cylindrical shells.Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A.2015;16:525-40.
[34] Liang X, Wu Z, Wang L, Liu G, Wang Z, Zhang W.Semianalytical three-dimensional solutions for the transient response of functionally graded material rectangular plates.JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS.2015;141:4015027.
[35] Liang X, Wang Z, Wang L, Izzuddin BA, Liu G.A semi-analytical method to evaluate the dynamic response of functionally graded plates subjected to underwater shock.JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION.2015;336:257-74.
[36] LIANG X, KOU H, LIU G, WANG L, WANG Z, WU Z.功能梯度圆柱壳瞬态动力响应的三维半解析状态空间求解方法 (英文).Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A (Applied Physics \& Engineering).2015;7.
[37] Liang X, Kou H, Wang L, Palmer AC, Wang Z, Liu G.Three-dimensional transient analysis of functionally graded material annular sector plate under various boundary conditions.COMPOSITE STRUCTURES.2015;132:584-96.
(1) 段梦兰、梁旭等,深水海管关键力学性能研究成果及工程应用,中国海洋学会、中国太平洋学会,海洋湖沼学会,海洋科学技术奖,一等奖,2019
(2) 喻会明,冯茹鸣,梁旭等。海上风电牧场设计方案及应用示范 浙江省能源联合会,二等奖,2021