1)2012.07-2013.04 山东鸿富锦精密电子有限公司,软件工程师;
2)2018.03-2019.06 韩国釜山海事电子公司,资深研究员;
3)2019.08- 浙江海洋大学船舶与海运学院,教师。
[1]Bao-Feng PAN& Tae-Gweon Jeong,A Study on the Performance Comparison of Three Optimal Alpha-Beta-Gamma Filters and Alpha-Beta-Gamma-Eta Filter for a High Dynamic Target,The international Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp.55-61,March 2017.
[2]Bao-Feng PAN, Anne Wanjiru Njonjo & Tae-Gweon Jeong,A Study of Optimization of Alpha-Beta-Gamma-Eta Filter for Tracking a High Dynamic Target,The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol.11, No. 1, pp. 49-53, March 2017.
[3]Anne Wanjiru Njonjo,Bao-Feng PAN& Tae-Gweon Jeong,A Basic Study on Development of a Tracking Module for ARPA system for use on High Dynamic Warships,Journal of Navigation and Port Research, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 85-89, April 2016.
[4]Tae-Gweon Jeong & Bao-Feng PAN, A.W Njonjo,Optimization of the Gain Parameters in a Tracking Module for ARPA system on Board High Dynamic Warships,Journal of Navigation and Port Research, Vol. 40 No. 5, pp. 241-247, October 2016.
[5]Bao-Feng PAN& Tae-Gweon Jeong,A Study on Minimum Number of Ship-handling Simulation Required for Evaluating Vessel’s Proximity Measure,Journal of Navigation and Port Research, Vol. 38 No. 6, pp. 689-694, December 2014.
[6]Anne Wanjiru Njonjo,Bao-Feng PAN& Tae-Gweon Jeong,Basic Study on the Comparison of Performance ofalpha-beta-gamma filter and Kalman Filter for use in a Tracking Module for ARPA system on Board High Dynamic Warships,Journal of Navigation and Port Research,Vol.41, No.5, pp. 269-276,October 2017.
[7]Bao-Feng PAN, Anne Wanjiru Njonjo & Tae-Gweon Jeong,A Study of Optimization ofalpha-beta-gamma-etaFilter for Tracking a High Dynamic Target,Journal of Navigation and Port Research,Vol.41, No.5, pp. 297-302,October 2017.
[8]SHAO Yan-Bo&PAN Bao-Feng,Evaluating the Efficiency of Seaports in China and Korea: Comparing Data Envelopment Analysis and Stochastic Frontier Analysis,Journal of Donghua University (English Edition), Vol.35, No.4, pp. 351-355, April 2018.
[1]A Study on Minimum Sample Size for Vessel’s Proximity Measure in Ship-handling Simulation,Proceedings of Asia Navigation Conference 2014, pp. 426-433, November 2014.
[2]Theoretical Approach of Optimization of the Gain Parametersalpha,betaandgammaof a Tracking Module for ARPA system on Board Warships,Proceedings of Asia Navigation Conference 2015, pp. 214-221, November 2015.
[3]Theoretical Approach of Development of Tracking Module for ARPA system on Board Warships,Proceedings of Asia Navigation Conference 2015, pp. 222-231, November 2015.
[4]A Study of Performance ofalpha-beta-gamma-eta Optimal Filter for Tracking a High Dynamic Target,Proceedings of Asia Navigation Conference 2016, pp. 273-279, November 2016.
[5]A Study on the Performance Comparison of Three Optimal Designs of alpha-beta-gamma Filters for Tracking a High Dynamic Target,Proceedings of Asia Navigation Conference 2016, pp. 305-313, November 2016.
[6]A Study on Determination of Own Ship’s Courses for Delaying Pirate’s Approach,Proceedings of Asia Navigation Conference 2016, pp. 202-211, November 2016.
[7]Basic Study of the Optimization of the Gain Parameters alpha, beta and gammaof a Tracking Module for ARPA system on Board High Dynamic Warships,Proceedings of Asia Conference on Maritime System and Safety Research 2016, August 2016.
[8]Basic Study on the Comparison of Performance of alpha-beta-gamma filter and Kalman Filter for use in a Tracking Module for ARPA system on Board High Dynamic Warships,Proceedings of Asia Conference on Maritime System and Safety Research 2016, August 2016.
[9]Theoretical Approach of Development of Tracking Module for ARPA System on Board Warships,Proceedings ofAutumn Academic Conference of Korea Institute of Navigation and Port Research 2015, pp. 53-54, October 2015.
[10]Theoretical Approach of Optimization of the Gain Parameters of alpha, beta and gamma of a Tracking Module for ARPA System on Board Warships,Proceedings ofAutumn Academic Conference of Korea Institute of Navigation and Port Research 2015, pp. 55-57, October 2015.
[11]Basic Study of the Optimization of the Gain Parameters alpha, beta and gamma of a Tracking Module for ARPA system on Board High Dynamic Warships,Proceedings of Spring Academic Conference of Korea Institute of Navigation and Port Research 2016, May 2016.
[12]Basic Study on the Comparison of Performance ofalpha, beta and gammafilter and Kalman Filter for use in a Tracking Module for ARPA system on Board High Dynamic Warships,Proceedings of Spring Academic Conference of Korea Institute of Navigation and Port Research 2016, May 2016.
[13]Basic Study on the Comparison of Performance ofalpha, beta and gammafilter and Kalman Filter for use in a Tracking Module for ARPA system on Board High Dynamic Warships,Proceedings of Spring Academic Conference of Korea Institute of Navigation and Port Research 2017, April 2017.