(4)201306-201409,新加坡南洋理工大学,Research Associate/Research Fellow
(6)201504-201507,新加坡南洋理工大学,Research Fellow
(1)波浪-结构物相互作用(Wave-body interaction)
(2)波浪能利用(Wave energy extraction)
(3)海洋减灾(Marine hazard mitigation)
(4)浮式防波堤(Floating breakwaters)
(1)A multi-phase SPH model for simulating the floating OWC-breakwater integrated systems. Coastal Engineering, 2025, 197: 104658.
(2)Investigating the characteristics of horseshoe vortex around a vertical circular cylinder in waves using particle image velocimetry: An experimental study. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36.
(3)Laboratory modelling of nonlinear power take-off damping and its effects on an offshore stationary cylindrical OWC device. Energy, 2024, 296: 131217.
(4) Development of an oscillating water column-type wave absorber for anti-reflection and effective energy extraction. Applied Ocean Research, 2024, 144: 103910.
(5)An experimental study of a rectangular floating breakwater with flexible curtains as wave-dissipating components. Applied Ocean Research, 2024, 152: 104185.
(6)An experimental study of vortex evolution around an offshore stationary dual-chamber oscillating water column converter. Ocean Engineering, 2024, 312: 119052.
(7)Multi-phase SPH-FDM and experimental investigations on the hydrodynamics of an oscillating water column wave energy device. Coastal Engineering, 2024, 192: 104569.
(8)A multi-layer SPH method to simulate water-soil coupling interaction-based on a new wall boundary model. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2024, 164: 105755.
(9)Numerical investigation of solitary wave breaking over a slope based on multi-phase smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 023313.
(10)Experimental investigation of vortex evolution around oscillating water column wave energy converter using particle image velocimetry. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 015151.
(11)An experimental study of a rectangular floating breakwater with vertical plates as wave-dissipating components. Applied Ocean Research, 2023, 133: 103497.
(12)Characteristics of vortex evolution around a cylindrical oscillating water column device: An experimental study. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 125142.
(13)A stable SPH model with large CFL numbers for multi-phase flows with large density ratios. Journal of Computational Physics, 2022, 453: 110944.
(14)Numerical investigation of the solitary wave breaking over a slope by using the finite particle method. Coastal Engineering, 2020, 156: 103617.
(6)海洋工程国际权威期刊《Applied Ocean Research》编委
(7)海洋工程国际期刊《International Journal of Ocean and Coastal Engineering》执行编辑