姜雪 Sherry Jiang
主要从事浮式风机的结构优化设计及健康监测的研究,在浮式风机的智能模型试验海洋结构物安全评估计算方面取得了系统的创新成果:1) 建立了基于人工智能技术的智能实验平台,提出了基于数据驱动的一体化设计框架,解决了浮式风机设备优化设计成本高昂的难题。2)研发了基于风险计算的“实时”灾害评估方法和风险模型,构建了FLARE海洋结构物灾害分析与控制平台,解决了传统灾难事故中缺少危机管理和决策支持的难题。主持国家级项目共3项(NSFC1项),参与欧盟Horizon2020项目2项,其他项目10余项。在国际权威刊物发表SCI论文23篇;近五年,以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文15篇,其中JCR一区论文9篇IF>4.5。并担任中科院Top期刊专题的Managing Editor
Mainly engaged in the research of structural optimization design and health monitoring of floating wind turbines: 1) An intelligent experimental platform based on artificial intelligence technology was established, and a data-driven integrated design framework was proposed, solving the difficult problem of high optimization design costs for floating wind turbines. 2) Developed a 'real-time' disaster assessment method and risk model based on risk calculation, and constructed the FLARE marine structure disaster analysis and control platform, solving the problem of lack of crisis management and decision support in traditional disaster accidents. Led 3 national-level projects (NSFC1 item), participated in 2 European Union Horizon2020 projects, and more than 10 other projects. Published 23 SCI papers in authoritative international journals; in the past five years, as the first or corresponding author, published 15 SCI papers, including 9 JCR Q1 papers with IF>4.5.
(Working Experience)
3)2016.09-2019.11, Strathclyde大学助理研究员
个人教育经历(Education Background):
4)2016.09-2020.02,Strathclyde大学博士学位, 海洋建筑与海洋工程
6)2009.09-22013.07, 燕山大学学士学位,机械设计制造及其自动化
研究方向(Research Areas):
学术组织兼职(Academic Activities):
Ocean Engineering期刊编委
1)欧洲Horizon2020项目Flooding accident response (合同号814753),£908,358.89(折合 人民币 822 万),参与,已结题
2)欧盟基金委员会,Horizon 2020,774519 (合同号)Towards Game-changer Service
Operation Vessels for Offshore Wind farms, 2018-01至2020-01, 713,705.98英镑,参与,已结题
4)青年科学基金项目[低样本学习下的浮式风机混合模型试验及尺度效应问题的研究] 30万(2022-2024)
期刊论文 (H index 7)
[1] Xue Jiang, Zihao Li, Longbin Tao, Yewen Chen, Weiming Zeng, Chang Cai*, Guibing Zhu*, Qingan Li; Development and characterisation of an AI-in-the-loop testing platform for floating wind turbines PART I: Construction, validation, and benchmark testing, Ocean Engineering, Volume 297, 1 April 2024, doi:/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.116968 IF 2023=4.968 JCR Q1
[2] Zheng-Shou Chen, Shuai Wang, Xue Jiang*, 2023, "Effect of wake interference on vibration response of dual tandem flexible pipe", Ocean Engineering, Volume 269, 113497. doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.113497 IF 2023=4.968 JCR Q1
[3] Chao Chen, Ziteng Sun, Xue Jiang*, Guibing Zhu, 2022, "Adaptive neural control for coordinated rolling motion of vessels with zero speed via composite learning", Ocean Engineering, Volume 266, Part 1, 112509. doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022. 112509 IF 2023=4.968 JCR Q1
[4]Xue Jiang, Sandy Day, David Clelland, Xu Liang*, 2019, "Analysis and real-time prediction of the full-scale thrust for floating wind turbine based on artificial intelligence", Ocean Engineering, Volume 175, Pages 207-216. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.01.046 IF 2023=4.968 JCR Q1
[5]Xue Jiang*, Sandy Day, David Clelland, 2018, "An innovative generic platform to simulate real-time PTO damping forces for ocean energy converters based on SIL method", Ocean Engineering, Volume 170, Pages 209-221. doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.10.012
IF 2023=4.968 JCR Q1
[6]Xue Jiang*, Sandy Day, David Clelland, 2018, "Hydrodynamic responses and power efficiency analyses of an oscillating wave surge converter under different simulated PTO strategies", Ocean Engineering, Volume 170 Pages 286-297. doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.10.050 IF 2023=4.968 JCR Q1
[7]Xu Liang, Yu Deng, Zeng Cao, Xue Jiang*, Titao Wang, Yongdu Ruan, Xing Zha, 2019, "Three-dimensional dynamics of functionally graded piezoelectric cylindrical panels by a semi-analytical approach", Composite Structures, Volume 226, 111176. doi: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2019.111176 IF 2023=6.201 JCR Q1
[8]Xu Liang, Xing Zha, Xue Jiang*, Zeng Cao, Yuhong Wang, Jianxing Leng, 2019, "A semi-analytical method for the dynamic analysis of cylindrical shells with arbitrary boundaries", Ocean Engineering, Volume 178, Pages 145-155. doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.02.074 IF2023=4.968 JCR Q1
[9]Xu Liang, Xing Zha, Xue Jiang*, Lizhong Wang, Jianxing Leng, Zeng Cao, 2018, "Semi-analytical solution for dynamic behavior of a fluid-conveying pipe with different boundary conditions", Ocean Engineering, Volume 163, Pages 183-190. doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.05.060 IF 2023=4.968 JCRQ1
[10]Xu Liang, Yu Deng, Xue Jiang*, Zeng Cao, Yongdu Ruan, Jianxing Leng, Titao Wang, Xing Zha, 2019, "Three-dimensional semi-analytical solutions for the transient response of functionally graded material cylindrical panels with various boundary conditions", Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control, Volume 39, Issue 4. doi: 10.1177/1461348419855807
IF 2023=2.278 JCR Q1
[11]Xu Liang, Xing Zha, Yang Yu, Zeng Cao, Xue Jiang, Jianxing Leng, 2019, "Semi-analytical vibration analysis of FGM cylindrical shells surrounded by elastic foundations in a thermal environment", Composite Structures, Volume 223, 110997. doi: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2019.110997 IF 2023=6.201 JCR Q1
[12]Xu Liang, Titao Wang, Xue Jiang*, Zhen Liu, Yongdu Ruan, Yu Deng, 2019, "A numerical method for flexural vibration band gaps in a phononic crystal beam with locally resonant oscillators", Crystals 2019, 9(6), 293. doi: 10.3390/cryst 9060293 IF 2023=2.673 JCR Q2
[13]Xu Liang, Zeng Cao, Yu Deng, Xue Jiang*, Xing Zha, Jianxing Leng, 2020, "The thermal and Pasternak foundation effect on the transient behaviours of the rectangular plate using a novel semi-analytical method", Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control, Volume 40, Issue 3. doi: 10.1177/1461348420946574 IF 2023=2.278 JCR Q1
[14]Afeng Yang, Xue Jiang, David D-U Li, 2018, "Multi-frame blind deconvolution of atmospheric turbulence degraded images with mixed noise models", Image and vision processing and display technology, Volume 54, Issue 4, Pages: 184-254. doi :10.1049/el.2017.4277
IF 2023=1.098 JCR Q3
[15]Hai-Hong Tang, Kun Zhang, Bing Wang, Xiao-jia Zu, You-Yi Li, Wu-Wei Feng, Xue Jiang*, Peng Chen, Qing-An Li; Early bearing fault diagnosis for imbalanced data in offshore wind turbine using improved deep learning based on scaled minimum unscented kalman filter, Ocean Engineering, Volume 300, doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.117392 IF2023=4.968 JCR Q1
国际会议论文(International Conferences)
[1]Baoxuan Wang, Xu Liang, Xue Jiang*, 2022, "Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Dynamic Response of Platform for a Spar-Type Floating Wind Turbine Under Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Forces", Proceeding of International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. doi: 10.1115/OMAE2022-81290, 16 February 2024.
[2]Xue Jiang, Xinhui Zhang*, Kun Yang, Penghui Zhao, "Study on autonomous ship enhancement by optimizing the object detecting algorithms" Proceeding of International conferencen on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship. 8th November 2023, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2618/1/012012, October 1st, 2023.
[3]Xue Jiang*, Weiming Zeng, Penghui Zhao, Lin Cui, Mengyao Lu, "Ai-Based Structural Defects Detection of Offshore Wind Turbines for Automatical Operation and Maintenance", Proceeding of International Offshore Wind Technical Conference, 11st December 2023, doi: 10.1115/IOWTC2023-119330, January 26, 2024.
[4] Jianming Wu; Kun Yang; Hao Zeng; Shuo Zhang; Jianjun Ding; Xue Jiang; The Application of 5G Wireless Communication in Maritime Environment, International Conference on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (ICMASS 2023), Maritiem Museum Rotterdam, Rotterdam Ahoy, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2618/1/012003, October 1st, 2023.
主讲课程(Teaching Courses):
1) 姜雪; 冯熙然; 杨堃; 仉欣慧; 曾伟铭; 基于轮廓提取技术的金枪鱼加工装置,2023-8-4, 中国, CN116530551A
2) 姜雪; 仉欣慧; 冯熙然; 袁佳乐; 一种仿生机器人夹持器, 2023-9-1, 中国, CN116673982A
3) 姜雪; 仉欣慧; 杨堃; 吴登凯; 一种基于计算机视觉的鱼肉品质鉴定方法及装置, 2023-7-4, 中国, CN116433643A
4) 姜雪; 吴登凯; 杨堃; 仉欣慧; 一种基于计算机视觉的鱼体智能称重方法及装置, 2023-7-4, 中国, CN116433746A
5) 姜雪; 仉欣慧; 杨堃; 冯熙然; 曾伟铭; 用于验证浮式风机混合模型实验方法的测试系统及测试方法, 2023-5-8, 中国, CN116429370A
6) 一种弧面可调式的减摇鳍 (申请公布日 2015.01.28; 申请公布号 CN 104309778A,冷建兴,姜雪)
7) 一种便携式液压辅助架设汽车越障装置 (申请公布日 2015.04.08; 申请公布号 CN104495638 A, 汪立之, 冷建兴, 姜雪)
8) 一种折叠拼装式车载桥梁 (申请公布日 2015.04.08; 申请公布号 CN 104499418 A, 冷建兴 ,汪立之, 姜雪)
9) 一种重力自平衡式应急抢通快速自架桥 (申请公布日 2015.04.08;申请公布号 CN104499417A,冷建兴, 汪立之, 姜雪)
10) 一种钢结构应急抢通保通一体化桥 (申请公布日 2015.04.08; 申请公布号 CN104499419A,汪立之,冷建兴, 姜雪)
11) 便携式辅助汽车越障装置 ( 申请公布日 2015.03.04 申请公布号 CN 104386042A,姜雪, 冷建兴)